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cialis generic click times;”>Photo shows the garbage at the Livingstone N Coakley School in Exuma 28th November and is a sign of the inability of the public administration to respond to simple things-Editor |
discount viagra advice times;”>Michael Manley used to say that part of the reason things collapsed in Jamaica for his government when he lost in 1980 is that the public administration could not keep up with the pace of change that was set for it by the political directorate. This is something which every politician should bear in mind as they try to bring about change. There is also another dimension to it. It might well be that the policies that you are pursuing are not supported by those charged with the public administration and they go out of their way to deliberately sabotage it.
The examples abound in today’s Bahamas. Over the past week, the people who are charged with guarding the borders of the country and at the same time ensuring that in a tourist economy people are entered into the country in a courteous and timely fashion engaged in an activity which found the Lynden Pindling International Airport facing long queues in the arrivals hall at the airport. Some people complained that they had to wait as long as two hours to be processed through the facility. This is unacceptable.
Some suggested that this was a concerted industrial action. The Union denied it but whatever it was the management of the public administration had the wherewithal to meet any emergency at the airport. It appears that they just didn’t care enough about the consequences to the public and the reputation of their own country to avoid it from happening. The question is what disciplinary action will be taken against the offending individuals. The answer we would venture will be none. It will simply go like another day at the office.
Switch over to the Bahamas Electricity Corporation. This corporation has been unable since the 1960s to provide adequate electrical power for New Providence and The Bahamas. There is not one generation of Bahamians since the Corporation came into existence that can remember a time without electricity blackouts. Each Board, each Minister, each Chairman promises that they will solve the problem
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. Each has failed. Yet the Bahamian public is paying some of the most exorbitant prices for power anywhere in this region and perhaps the world.
Last week on Tuesday 25th November, the power went off in large swaths of New Providence and was off for ten hours in some cases. One consumer complained about her disabled and sick parent that suffered through the night. Others reported their children complained and suffered through the discomfort of a night without power. The Union in the middle of dispute with the Chairman of the Board Leslie Miller said it was not them. Yet the day before they had been threatening mayhem and work to rules because they were trying to force the government to sign a contract.
Again we ask: what will be the consequences of this to those who are responsible? We venture to say there will be none. It will simply go as another day at the office.
It probably is hyperbole to say the modern Bahamas cannot continue in this way.
We say it anyway. We want The Bahamas to be a successful country. It cannot continue.
Fred Mitchell MP for Fox Hill speaking in Exuma at the PLP’s Mini Convention raised the issue of the PLP seeking to fix the public administration, so fix it, that it does what the political directorate says it is going to do. He believes that this would be a great contribution that the PLP can make to the public good of The Bahamas. In so many matters large and small it appears that the public administration in The Bahamas is broken; it is unresponsive and it is borne down by red tape, insensitivity to public good and incompetence perhaps. How do we fix it? The problem is fixable and leadership is where it starts but it also means a commitment by the Bahamian public maybe that it is mad as hell and they are not going to take it anymore.
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