We have already commented on the act by Dame Marguerite Pindling at the mausoleum of the late Sir Lynden O Pindling. Then comes The Hon George Smith who served in the Cabinet of Lynden Pindling and has the honour of being “The Honourable” because of their service for over ten consecutive years in the Cabinet. He entered the fray in the Nassau Guardian on Friday 13 January 2023 to attack the organizers and to defend the act of Dame Marguerite Pindling in attacking the ceremony on 10 January 2023 at the Pindling mausoleum. The Majority Rule holiday does not being to Dame Marguerite Pindling, nor does it belong to the Pindlings nor does it belong to George Smith or the generation of people elected with him. This is a national holiday that Sir Arthur Foulkes described as the most important holiday since the emancipation of the slaves in 1834. It belongs to all the Bahamian people and the holiday has to be embraced in importance by the new generation of Bahamians. George Smith should be quiet. His comment showed a certain irrelevance to the current debate. It is now time to go quietly into the good night.