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discount cialis cialis sale times;”>14thNovember, 2014
The Cabinet Office announced today that a State Funeral will be held for the late Warren James Levarity, CMG, former Cabinet Minister and Parliamentarian, on Thursday 20th November, 2014 at 11:00a.m. at Christ Church Cathedral, George Street.
The Cabinet Office also announced that with immediate effect, The Bahamas would be in a state of mourning and would remain in that mode until after the state funeral and interment, with the public buildings appropriately draped and flags flown at half staff.
Further, Mr
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. Levarity will lie-in-state on Wednesday 19th November, in the foyer of the House of Assembly, Parliament Square from 9:00am until the body departs for the church on Thursday.
Viewing for the General Public will be from 12:00 noon – 6:00pm on Wednesday 19th November.