The writer of Front Porch in the Nassau Guardian said it better than we could ever say it about Myles Munroe. We thought that we would provide a link to the full column and congratulate that writer for the column’s ringing denunciation of Myles Munroe. We think the man is ignorant and a fool. Here is what the writer of Front Porch in the Nassau Guardian had to say on 4th September:
Worryingly, cialis usa and Munroe’s document is filled with grammatical and other errors which would not pass muster in an undergraduate English class.
Before releasing his screed Munroe should have had an editor correct basic mistakes which would be unacceptable in a high school essay
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. In terms of reasoned thinking and proper writing, the public deserves considerably better from religious leaders than this pathetically slipshod dribble.
Perhaps other more capable religious leaders might advise Munroe in crafting public statements.
To label the meandering document incoherent would be charitable. It begins and ends in error. The very title of Munroe’s rambling, “Homosexuality – Phobia or Principle”, is a false choice.