Fred Mitchell, Chairman of the PLP, warned the licencees of the Port not to be drawn into the internecine warfare going on in the Grand Bahama Port Authority. He gave an extensive interview with ZNS about the matter on 7 September 2023. It was a shot across the bar. That is because everyone knows that we in The Bahamas have a game of show and tell or bo-peep as Sonny Martin used to say. Everything that you see is not what it seems on the face of it.
So, the licencees announced themselves as having an education session on the Hawksbill Creek agreement on Monday 11 September 2023 at the Christ the King Hall in Freeport. It was supposed to be an innocent, independent effort. Except everyone in the know, knows that this was Rupert Hayward, one-half of the Grand Bahama Port Authority, trying to get support from the licencees to stop the Government from forcing the sale of the Grand Bahama Port Authority which as it turns out the Grand Bahama Port Authority and its shareholders agreed to do in 2016 with the Government.
They have not fulfilled their part of that bargain. If you want to see the full story, then read Attorney Terry Gape’s letter below.
The investors that they promised to find, particularly the one from Rupert Hayward, have not passed the due diligence test.
Notwithstanding the warning from Mr. Mitchell, the two front men came out from behind the shadows and revealed themselves to be David Wallace, a former FNM MP and aspirant for public office and an active FNM, and Darron Cooper who was an aspirant in the last election for one of the third parties. They are asking us to accept that their motives are clean and independent but strangely they trotted out all the FNM talking points at their press conference on 8 September 2023.
So the PLP is not putting two and two and making five. They are just adding up two and two and it certainly makes four.
The Grand Bahama Port Authority must live up to its obligations in its agreement with the Government. There is no threat to the licencees at all in any of this. There is no abrogation of the Hawksbill Creek Agreement contemplated and promised. All the Prime Minister has said is to perform under the agreement or find someone else who can.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 9 September 2023 up to midnight: 388,496;
Number of hits for the month of September up to Saturday 9th September 2023 up to midnight: 530,006;
Number of hits for the year 2023 up to Saturday 9 September 2023: 15,527,900;