Prime Minister Davis speaking to the Grand Bahama Chamber on Monday 6 May 2024
On the evening of 8 May 2024, two statements were issued from Grand Bahama. One of them came from the Grand Bahama Port Authority. The other came from a group called the Freeport Licencees Association. We know who the Grand Bahama Port Authority is, and we suspect that it’s GBPA shareholder Rupert Hayward who was driving that press release. But who pray tell is the Freeport Licencees Association. The Government responded by saying they would not respond to an unsigned, unidentified group. The PLP said that it appeared that the statements were authored by the same people. In other words, the so called Freeport Licencees Association is a sham and front organization for the Grand Bahama Port Authority. No clearer case could be made than them trotting out in their press statement the same fiction that the best way for the government to help Grand Bahama is to approve the licenses granted by the Port in a more timely manner. This column heard from two prominent businessmen in Freeport who said, that group cannot and could not speak for them.