Fred Smith Put In His Place By Jack Hayward
sildenafil rx times;”>Fred Smith acts like a man on some kind of chemical or suffering from manic depression disorder. He is in the press every day these days sounding off on one subject or another. Most of the time it’s been about Haitian migrants. However, cialis he also has time to sound off about the fate of the Grand Bahama Port Authority. After serving for years as Counsel to the Port, (in order to keep his mouth shut, the late owner of the Port Edward St George put him on retainer and paid whatever crazy bill he rendered), he was let go by then Port Chair Ian Faire
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. This has set him loose again. Now he says that the Port must be disengaged from the St George Family and Sir Jack Hayward, the present owners of the Port. Sir Jack Hayward is just a tad bit mercurial himself had some great one liners in answer to it when he spoke to the Tribune: “Et tu Frede” was one, borrowing the line from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar when Caesar’s close friend Brutus joined the conspirators to assassinate Caesar. Then Sir Jack also said that Fred Smith had earned enough money from the St George’s while working at the Port Authority to buy the Port himself. Of course Fred Smith is shameless so it probably means nothing to him, the fact that he has been shown to be a mercenary in law and a rank hypocrite.