Fred Mitchell With The Children In Fox Hill

Fred Mitchell MP Fox Hill delivered a bag with book and pencil set for each child at Sandilands Primary School with Jamaal Davis, Laverne McPhee, Ida Symonette, Warren Davis, Charlene Curry, Ambassador Nicholas Symonette, Jacklin Brice, School Board Chair Berkoff Davis and Senior Mistress Pinder. 29 August 2022
L W Young

Fred Mitchell MP Fox Hill delivers books and geometry sets for the 800 odd students of L W Young and welcomed the new 7th graders to the school with Jacklin Brice, Jerome Brown, Berkoff Davis, Warren Davis, Ambassador Nicholas Symonette with Anita Wilmott of LW Young and Deborah Thompson, Principal 29 August 2022.
Doris Johnson

Visiting the new 10th graders at Doris Johnson Sr High. Fred Mitchell MP. Each student received a 60 dollar gift card for use at the Cost Rite store. Success in the year in Senior High School is wished for them. 29 August 2022. With Jacklin Brice and Ambassador Nicholas Symonette. Acting Principal Donald Allen, Dr Marcellus Taylor, Director of Education.