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The immigration meetings went well and there is enthusiastic bipartisan support for the new immigration initiative
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. The consensus is that the immigration problem has festered for far too long and needs to be addressed in a consistent but strict and humane manner. In anticipating the operations in January, some illegal immigrants have begun to leave and some are reportedly stocking up to go into hiding. The immigration operations will be intelligence driven.
There was an extensive tour of the staging points of illegal immigration in Hope Town led by the District Councilors headed by Jeremy Sweeting. Additionally, South Abaco MP Edison Key, North Abaco MP and PS Renardo Curry and Senator Gary Sawyer accompanied the District Councilors.
As for the time frame, there will be a multi agency staging and mapping operation to go over logistics in Marsh Harbour as the next stage of what we plan to do within the next few weeks. Needless to say the clock is ticking.
This past year, there have been several clashes between persons in the Mud and law enforcement, eg. projectiles thrown at officers and vehicles during inspections, demolition of homes, – how will this be approached?
As far as physical resistance is concerned, we are satisfied that the RBPF, the RBDF along with the Department of Immigration will have the necessary support to meet any exigency.
Also, is there any update on the Haitian man that escaped on Thursday night?
The Haitian male who escaped lawful custody is believed to still be at large.