Frank Smith Appeal To Be Heard On Monday

The Government’s appeal against the decision of Magistrate Joy Ann Pratt to acquit former Senator Frank Smith of Bribery and corruption charges is to come up on Monday 13 May 2019. The Crown who appealed immediately took their sweet effen time getting the grounds of appeal to the defence. They filed some general grounds and then they had to come up with some details in order to try save the case. Meanwhile Edward Jenkins who reportedly was paid 1.2 million dollars to fight the case in Nassau against Mr. Smith, a case that was plainly hopeless, is raking in the money in Trinidad. The Government there has hired him to prosecute a former Attorney General and former Senator on corruption charges. No doubt the result will be the same duck egg. It is just amazing how these former colonial countries keep going back to England in order to prosecute their citizens and the lawyers in England have no greater success or expertise than those at home. It is a real shame.