So back in the 1880s the tradition started by the Baptist Churches of having a separate day to mark the occasion of emancipation and it is now called Fox Hill Day, the second Tuesday in August. This year then 11 August 2022, all roads led to Fox Hill. The modern Fox Hill Festival started with Eric Wilmott and the former MP for Fox Hill Lionel Davis, both of blessed memory. It lasts from Emancipation Day to Fox Hill Day. On the Emancipation Day holiday and Fox Hill Day, they climb the greasy pole and they dance around the maypole. The PLP developed under former Prime Minister Perry Christie the tradition of coming to Fox Hill to support the church programmes on that day. This year was no exception when Prime Minister Philip Davis and Cabinet colleagues Pia Glover Rolle, Clay Sweeting, Mario Bowleg with Parliamentary Secretary Jamahl Strachan visited with the MP for Fox Hill, Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell. Enjoy the photo essay. The churches visited were St Paul’s, Macedonia, Mt Carey, St Mark’s.