Fox Hill Day This Year

Senator Fred Mitchell joins Fox Hill PLP Branch Chair Tammi Ferguson as she delivers the first of the Fox Hill Day lunches to Ms Sheila Knowles, President of Fox Hill Senior Citizens Association, 11 August 2020
The following statement was issued by the Chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party Senator Fred Mitchell to mark Fox Hill Day and the birthday of National Hero Sir Milo Butler 11 August 2020:
Today is the second Tuesday in August and is known as Fox Hill Day. It is that special day in Fox Hill to mark the emancipation of the slaves in the British Empire 186 years ago in 1834. Separate celebrations have been held in Fox Hill since the 1870s.
We are saddened as a party that we are unable this year to mark the celebrations on the Fox Hill parade and in the Baptist Churches. The Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Philip Davis, joins me in these expressions of regret. He would have been with you today.
Nevertheless, you in Fox Hill should mark the day with thanksgiving and pray that next year your celebrations will be restored. The PLP will do all that it can to support its restoration.
We remember today our nation’s national hero and first Bahamian Governor General Sir Milo Butler on the 114th anniversary of his birth. He was a freedom fighter for all people but especially for those of African descent who were oppressed in our country.
Sir Milo was born 11 August 1906.