We publish today a letter which appeared in the mainstream press by the Hon, A Loftus Roker, the former Minister for National Security. In that letter he makes the point that Kenred Dorsett who he said is his god son has been unfairly treated by the state.
Mr. Dorsett you will remember was the Minister for the Environment under Perry Christie. Shortly after the general election of 2017, the FNM Cabinet and Attorney General decided to charge Ken Dossett with several corruption offences and the matters have not after four years come to trial. The main witness Jonathan Ash has been discredited as a witness in the Shane Gibson trial.
Mr. Roker pointed out that Mr. Dossett was ill-treated in police custody when he was refused the use of the bathroom. We also know that the Crown deliberately delayed his arraignment so that he could not get bail on the day of the charge but had to spend the night in Fox Hill prison. He was brought to court in shackles and chains. It was slave shaming.
The Prime Minister Hubert Minnis and his colleagues will all pay a special night in hell for this,
Mr. Roker’s point is that someone had to put up property for Mr. Dorsett to get bail. The property has been tied up now for 4 years and cannot be used by that person. He also pointed out that for four years Mr. Dorsett has been unable to practice his profession.
He called on the Hon Arthur D Hanna, former Governor General and the former Governor General Most Honourable Sir Arthur Foulkes to join him in the call for the resolution of the Dorsett case.
Senator Fred Mitchell raised the matter in the Senate on Thursday 25 March 2021 and asked the Attorney General to read the letter and address the matter.