FNM Retreat At The Crab House — Hmmm
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buy cialis times;”>FNM party officers and members from throughout the twenty three New Providence constituencies gathered in large numbers on Friday, January 23, for the opening of a one day and a half retreat designed to educate, motivate and to provide a clear plan of action for the way forward.
In his remarks, FNM party Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis told the excited crowd that that the FNM’s Victory Train and the Bahamian People’s Victory Train is even closer to Parliament Street. “This road will not be easy, there are many challenges that lie ahead and we have only just begun,” Dr. Minnis said.
“Crime is out of control and the government has no answer! VAT is squeezing the poor, confusing the businessman, and revealing how unprepared this government is. The Bahamian dollar has been locally devalued,” said Minnis.
Underscoring the importance of the role of young Bahamians, Minnis pledged that the FNM will be deliberate in their policies and programs that will empower young Bahamians and mandated that every committee in the FNM must have a young person serving in a significant capacity.
Additional speakers at the opening session included Deputy Party Leader, Mr. Peter Turnquest, Ms. Monique Gomez, President of the Women’s Association, and Ms
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. Ronique Brown, President of the Torchbearer’s Youth Association.
The event was held at The Crab House and concluded with an all-day working session on Saturday, January 24, 2015