FNM Chairman Dr. Duane Sands
Jealousy is a serious issue. Begrudgefulness is even more serious. We love that expression which was used by Lynden Pindling to say that people who were his political opponents in the Black middle class were envious of what he had accomplished as a leader of the government and prime minister. The fact that he came from Over The Hill and beat them at their game. That is what we have operating now with Dr. Duane Sands, the light skinned heart surgeon, who comes with all the baggage of a Long Island heritage and the prejudice of that island against dark skins and their pride in being light skinned. Brave Davis is dark skinned and according to their natural order of things, he should not be the leader of our country. The FNM ran a TV campaign in the last election in which they switched to black and white from colour every time they spoke of Brave Davis. That is the mind set which Dr. Sands portrays. Really sad but it infects all of his political actions, much as it tries to be disguised as policy issues, that is the real problem. So that is why you will never get Dr. Sands or Michael Pintard who is just as bad to admit that Brave Davis is good for the country and should in fact deserve a new car and not the one that keeps breaking down on the Prime Minister in the road.