The Free National Movement’s Minister of National Security Marvin Dames has announced that Charles Murphy is to be made the new Commissioner of Corrections, heading the Prison in The Bahamas. On paper this looks like a good appointment and he is to hand over to Patrick Wright, the previous Commissioner on 15 April at 3 p.m. He has been acting since the summer of last year. He comes with an education in public administration, although his Master’s Degree is from the questionable McHari Institute and has come up through the ranks. Problem is he is an FNM ideologue and the issue will be does he have the capacity to provide bi-partisan leadership. He is also old school. The questions have you really given the prison a chance at a new beginning the prison over to someone who is steeped in what already goes on there. Given his partisan record and the reports of his active campaigning for the FNM, this does not bode well at all.