FNM congratulates dame marguerite
From the Office of the Chairman, viagra illness Darron B. Cash
The FNM Congratulates Dame Marguerite Pindling on her appointment!
The New Governor General’s commitment to promote unity is welcomed.
The Free National Movement extends warmest congratulations to Dame Marguerite Pindling on the occasion of her appointment to the high office of Governor General
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. Dame Marguerite assumes her position as our Country’s Head of State at a time when the nation is highly charged and politically divided.
The FNM is greatly encouraged by the new Governor General’s stated pledge to promote unity and harmony. In that regard, cialis canada prostate she will be continuing the work of her predecessor, Sir Arthur Foulkes, and that continued commitment to unifying the country should produce important benefit for all Bahamians.
The FNM will join Bahamians everywhere in praying for Dame Marguerite’s success.