( We excerpt a posting from Ethric Bowe one of the progenitors of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA), viagra canada pharmacy headed by Branville McCartney. It is about the alleged use of the word “homophobia” by Fred Mitchell in the press. Only problem is that Fred Mitchel used no such word. The story to which he refers is a word used by The Tribune not Mr. Mitchell. What is spectacular about it however is the utter stupidity of it. The arguments that is. It betrays the bankruptcy of their ideas. Just reactionary to the core. These are the people who are supposed to be at the cutting edge of Bahamian politics, cialis buy and all they do is parrot the same prejudicial nonsense that people who have not education do. Why would someone, anyone including Mr. Bowe, and especially the state have an interest in how two adult people arrange their lives together. What business is it of his? Imagine that criticism of a leader of this country in 2014 is that someone uses big words. Not to mention however checking to see whether what he asserts is in fact correct. Lord how long? Lord help us? — Editor)
Mr. Fred Mitchell says Bahamian homophobia is being exposed in the debate on the constitutional amendments. Why does he have to use such big words? Is it to rub in our faces the fact that he is better than the rest of us? Well Fred may be smarter, more intelligent, more learned, more travelled, more exposed, more dapper and more experienced in the ways of the world than we are but we are not stupid all the time. The mistake very smart people make is thinking we have to be as smart as them. No; we only need to be smart enough
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Fred Mitchell may call us Bahamians whatever other big words he wants. We know what we want. We know what we do not want. I seem to also remember the former prime minister proclaiming how he was ashamed of us – Bahamians. That is probably why he treated us the way he did. Get ready for the PLP to treat us the same way at the first opportunity.
Fred Mitchell has advanced to a point where the rest of us have not yet caught up to him. Homosexuality is not a cause for discrimination in The Bahamas. I do not think we have heard of any cases where this has been an issue. Mostly homosexuals have a great advantage in The Bahamas because homosexuals have a reputation for being great performers. They seem to get the job done.
So homosexuals cannot be looking for equal rights – they have that already. They may be looking for special rights. By any objective measure, the people clamoring the most for rights are not deprived in any way.
To totally clarify things perhaps we should put a “defence of marriage” clause in the constitution defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman. We can also define a marriage-like contract for people who want marital privileges but do not qualify or want to be married in the traditional sense.
Gays who want to be married are not demanding equal rights. They are demanding special rights. Right now everybody in The Bahamas has the same rights in marriage as everybody else – we can all marry someone of the opposite sex.