Erin Greene Speaks Up
Nico Scavella of The Tribune wrote a story on 28th August quoting the LGBT activist Erin Greene and her support for the rights of LGBT people to marry. This is a contentious subject in The Bahamas. Three Sundays ago the Anglican Bishop of Guyana Cornell Moss spoke to the issue of same sex marriages and told the congregation at Ascension in Freeport that this was something that they had to anticipate and give a Christian response to it. The congregation was stunned those who were there said. He is right of course. Now Ms. Greene who has pretty much stayed out of the current debate trying not to derail the gender equality bills in the House has come out and forcefully said as she should that any attempt to restrict the rights of same sex couples would be unacceptable. Here is what she said in her own words:
In spite of Bahamians holding varying attitudes that same-sex attraction and intercourse are an affront to God, cialis generic prostate nature and society, a greater affront would be the idea that a citizen or a group of citizens would ‘give up’ a right rather than ensure that all other citizens could enjoy the same right.
“The Marriage Act denies access to a marriage contract to same-sex couples, this is discrimination. The Bahamas Constitution – Chapter 3, Article 26 (4)(C) – permits the government to create discriminatory laws addressing all matters related to marriage, and specifically the provisions of the Marriage Act that discriminates against LGBT Bahamians by not permitting same-sex marriages.
“When LGBT Bahamians are denied access to a state marriage contract with a partner of the same sex they are being discriminated against.”
“[This is] diametrically opposed to the principles of democracy, equality and the Rule of Law, and to the fundamental principles of citizenship.”
“ [This is] in direct opposition to the biblical concept of free will and the message of Christ.”
“The removal and denial of human and civil rights of citizens is not the mark of a sovereign and democratic state, and it is not the standard for a country that is the home of the descendants of African slaves and Indian indentured servants
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“Furthermore, it seems that all of the voices that seek to dismiss this part of the discussion and view it as a distraction, a debacle or a red-herring are willing to turn a blind eye to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the fundamental nature of citizenship and equality.”