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. From reading last week’s press Eric Carey, the Executive Director of the Bahamas National Trust got into trouble with some of its benefactors and the visiting boating crowd because of what he said at the Exuma Business Outlook Seminar 22nd October. This is what he was quoted as saying: “[they boaters] pay absolutely nothing….. Half of the time they don’t even spend $5 in the Bahamas and what do they eat? Our fish”.
Mr. Carey then added: “Thousands of boats come in and lay up in Elizabeth Harbour. Every one of them should be picking up a mooring for which they should pay, and if they don’t want to pay then they should go somewhere else.”
The Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe quickly came to the rescue with damage control but despite Mr. Carey’s apology and mea culpa, the horse is out of the barn. Each year for example Elizabeth Harbour in Exuma is packed with yachts but what does Exuma get from that. Nice pictures. But often not even groceries are bought from the locals, but lots of effluent pumped raw into the Harbour. No licencing fees for catching the fish, conch and lobsters they get from the water. Indelicate as it may be by Mr. Carey, the truth hurts and maybe it will spur the government to regulate the practices. Congratulations Mr. Carey. Oops! We’re not supposed to say that. Sorry!