Last week the Free National Movement was in full-throated attack on the PLP’s new energy policy. Every day they were in the paper about some issue or other about energy reform. According to them, the reform is not going to work they say that the legislative effort is bound to fail and that the deals that are being struck on LNG are bad deals. Mind you they have no idea what the deals are. But Michael Pintard and the FNM should rest themselves. These are the people who sold BTC and we now have the worst telephone company in the region as a result. They gave away a national asset at a fire sale. These are the people who are allowing the Grand Bahama Port Authority to get away with gross dereliction of duty in Freeport. These are the people who gave a monopoly to the Arawak Port people with the resultant high prices at the port. These are the people who gave the food distribution in covid to their friends who promptly fattened their own pockets off the food distribution programme. They should wear the letter “S” on their foreheads as a mark of shame. They have no right to talk about BPL and suggest that it is a national sell-off. That is totally false but why would they quarrel since they would know all about selling off a national asset at a fire sale price? They ought to hang their heads in shame.