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Prime Minister Christie at CARICOM-Cuba Summit
On the eve of his ascension to the chairmanship of CARICOM, Prime Minister Christie led a ministerial delegation to Havana, Cuba on Sunday to attend the fifth CARICOM-Cuba Summit
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. These summits are held every three years and the locale alternates between a CARICOM country and Cuba with the last meeting being held in Trinidad and Tobago in 2011.
Rounding out the delegation were Hon. Ryan Pinder, Financial Services Minister; Hon. Khaalis Rolle, State Minister for Investment and Hon. Fred Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister who joined the delegation in Havana on Monday.
Trade dominated the discussions generally with the Prime Minister pledging The Bahamas’ support for ending the trade embargo against Cuba; thanking Cuba for its frontline fight against Ebola, its continued support for special education and its support for health care, especially the miracle eye project that benefitted hundreds of Bahamian afflicted with eye diseases.
Prime Minister Christie also highlighted the need for route expansion for both flag carriers, Bahamasair and Cubana to facilitate trade between the two countries and the need for our countries to invest in the genius, talent and creativity of our people through greater collaboration and investment in the development of culture and sports.
On the issue of trade and bilateral trade agreements, the Prime Minister said that “in 2008, Cuba exported over $8million worth of products to The Bahamas, meaning cement and other such things; that is now reduced to $148,000 and so this significant area of trading is being addressed by us because we are about to sign agreements, phyto-sanitary agreements, to deal with plant and animals, being able to examine the agricultural produce produced here (Cuba) and import them to The Bahamas as we are doing with Haiti.”
Before returning home on Tuesday morning, the Prime Minister met with Cuban President Raul Castro for just over one hour.