cialis sale treatment times;”>THIS WEEK IN THE BAHAMAS (24 – 29 NOV 2014)
Touring the $14 million radar system and new tower that’s in its final stages of construction, Prime Minister Christie reflected on how this new radar system with its 160 square miles spanning capability would dramatically improve the operations at the air traffic control tower and the international airport generally.
“Today, what we are witnessing is a dramatic change in what we had in the past
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. This would improve the operations of the international airport and make the job of the air traffic controllers and other employees in this section more manageable.”
Minister of Transport and Aviation, the Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin said she was excited to see that the new radar installation was almost complete and looked forward to making good on the government’s commitment to improve the country’s aviation sector.
In addition to monitoring weather conditions, the completed radar system will include a 3-D training simulator, positioning The Bahamas to become a regional training center for air traffic controllers.
The tour took place on Monday at the Lynden Pindling International Airport in Nassau.
Joining its fellow CARICOM member countries, The Bahamas launched its Agriculture Policy Program on Monday.
Bringing remarks was Agriculture, Marine Resources and Local Government Minister, Hon. V. Alfred Gray who reiterated the objectives and components of the policy programme under the auspices of his ministry’s Trade and Policy Unit. He stressed that a stronger policy framework to support local agriculture producers is a principal objective of this policy programme.
“I believe that at the end of this Agriculture Policy Programme, we will have a strengthened policy framework that will support small agriculture producers in The Bahamas, the Caribbean, and indeed throughout this region.”
He continued that “in The Bahamas, we already know that we are not able to produce enough local mutton to meet domestic demand. I look forward therefore to the innovations that the researchers will come up with in order to enable small livestock farmers to increase production levels in an ever changing climatic environment.”
The ultimate objective of the programme is to reduce poverty by ensuring that small producers are integrated into national, regional and international markets. The Ministry of Agriculture, BAIC and BAMSI are all expected to play pivotal roles in this project which will be implemented over a period of 45 months.
The three programme components are as follow:
1. Policy and strategy – focuses on agricultural policy and will be led by CARICOM
2. Applied research – will be lead by CARDI and focuses on building human capacity, improving stock of genetic material and transforming to climate smart agricultural systems
3. Enterprise development – this component will be led by IICA and will focus on building capacity, networking and effective engagement with markets for small producers