The following statement was issued by the Chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party Fred Mitchell MP:
16 December 2022
This morning I learned of the passing just after midnight of Andrew “Dud” Maynard, former Senator and former Chair of the Progressive Liberal Party at the age of 82. I worked most closely with him in the general election campaign of 1982 when I was the Managing Editor of the PLP’s newspaper The Herald. He chaired the party with an iron hand and crafted a successful victory in that year with Sir Lynden Pindling at the helm.
He and his brother the late Sir Clement Maynard were a political pair. They came to public life following in the footsteps of their dear mother the suffragette Georgiana Symonette.
He was a tough man. He spared no hold back in his words. It was clear where he stood, but he was indefatigable and faithful to the cause.
He parted ways with us politically but whenever I saw him, there remained that fraternal bond and I had no doubt about this loyalty to our country and his patriotism.
I shared the great joy of the 1982 victory and the sadness of the death of his son to whom he had bequeathed his political legacy the late former Minister Charles Maynard.
Today we mark the passing of a good Bahamian man and thank his family for his service to party and country.
On behalf of the Leader of the party Philip Edward Brave Davis and Mrs. Davis, Deputy Leader Chester Cooper and Mrs. Cooper, the parliamentary caucus and the officers and members, I extend condolences to his dear wife Isadora whom we all know as Izzie and to the children Paul, Andrew, Nina, Christian, Ednal and Laverne and the wider family.
May he rest in peace.