Why do you think Dr. Duane Sands does not check his facts before he opens his big mouth? So Dr. Sands wants an explanation for why the President of Rwanda Paul Kagame got the Award of Excellence. The award is a gift from the Prime Minister for visiting heads of state. Mr. Kagame fits that bill. He is the leader of a successful African state. He is also the Chairman of the Commonwealth. He was here on a state visit for our independence. It was a simple act of diplomacy and civility and this gift is in the powers of the Prime Minister. Similarly, Maxine Waters who helps our country significantly as a Congress Woman in the United States was honoured with the award. Why would Dr Duane Sands who has an FNM member on the Advisory Committee for the awards not speak with the FNM member who is the Deputy Leader Shannondon Cartwright before opening his mouth? You just can’t make this stuff up.