Every time you open the newspapers and listen on What’s App, Facebook, or the radio and television, there is the peripatetic Michael Pintard, the Leader of the Opposition, opining on some subject or other, usually an attack on the PLP and Philip Davis, the Prime Minister. Last week alone he was accusing the Government of unlawfully supporting late reports on the fiscal performance of the country. Then he said that the Prime Minister should shuffle his cabinet.
One supposes this is in part what a Leader of the Opposition should be doing: critiquing the government. The problem is that all he does is criticize the government. You keep asking yourself where is the vision.
The best we can say for him in the past week was the news that Nicolet Bethel of the Shakespeare In Paradise Franchise announced that they are going to reprise Mr. Pintard’s play “Still Standing”, written just after the 1997 general election and borrowing on the slogan of the PLP in that year when they lost the election miserably to Hubert Ingraham. This reminded the population that after all, Mr. Pintard is a playwright. He is also an actor and comedian and he is good at it. This means that maybe what we are witnessing in the political theatre is just that: a political act and comedy show. It doesn’t come off as serious although he means well.
But what is interesting is what accounts for the frantic speechifying of Mr. Pintard. We got the news this weekend that Hubert Minnis is leading a full and happy delegation to visit the island of Grand Bahama. Grand Bahama you know is the redoubt of the FNM. They say it’s their country. So here you have Dr. Minnis who is reportedly one parliamentary vote away from regaining the leadership of the Opposition challenging Mr. Pintard in his own backyard.
All we say in the face of all this to Mr. Pintard: instead of minding the PLP’s business, how about paying attention to what is going on with your own member in your own backyard.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday, 28th January, 2023 up to midnight: 383,297;
Number of hits for the month of January up to Saturday, 28th January, 2023 up to midnight; 1,562,943;
Number of hits for the year 2023 up to Saturday, 28th January, 2023 up to midnight: 1,562,943.