23rd January 2015
viagra cialis times;”>Nassau, viagra usa cialis Bahamas – At approximately 6 feet, 7 inches tall, he towered above them, and with an extraordinary legacy that still leaves many in awe, Julius “Dr. J” Erving II commanded the attention of just about everyone around him when he visited the Oakes Field Campus of The College of The Bahamas recently.
But what he said to the COB Caribs men’s basketball team that day leveled the playing field between them. The basketball legend spoke frankly about life, loving ball, winning and more importantly how to handle defeat.
“Nobody goes undefeated forever. Some of you may have that undefeated stretch, undefeated season, but team sport is just that. You can sometimes have the best player, but ultimately the winners are going to be the ones with the best team, not necessarily the best player,” he told the team.
Losing, the basketball legend shared, is also a worthy lesson.
“Nobody likes being on the losing side, but if you compete, you can walk off that court with your head held up high,” he said. “Say ‘look, they just have more man-power, they were better that day’, or ‘they are better this year, but we competed, we left it all out there on the court. We played up to the best of our ability and it just wasn’t enough’. And then, that day is over, that night is over, that game is over and it is a fresh start the next day. That is the beauty of sports
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. It is always a fresh start the next day.”
The COB Caribs is a relatively young team, but is full of athletes with potential and passion for the sport, something that Mr. Erving knows all too well. He began his professional career with the Virginia Squires and the New York Nets in the American Basketball Association. According to the NBA Encyclopedia, he is widely regarded as the greatest player of his time and is often considered to have been the main catalyst for the ABA-NBA merger in 1976.
But on the day that he visited with college students at COB, he was a man who had climbed the pinnacle of success in his career and was eager to share his experiences and words of wisdom. Another lesson from the basketball great? Make a realistic evaluation of one’s aspirations.
“If you are on a team and you averaging like three points and two rebounds and you are playing like five minutes a game, making a career out of basketball probably is not a good option for you to be considering, especially if you are already eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one years old. I am not trying to personally discourage you, but I am trying to tell you, you need to look at this and say ‘let me put this in perspective because I am not going to be able to feed my family based on that part of basketball’. Being a part of a team and accumulating good stats, maybe in terms of coaching, maybe in terms of training, being involved in some capacity like university administrator, athletic director, so you are still close to the game. Maybe you can end up close to the game, but not be dependent on the game,” he advised.
COB Caribs shooting guard, Glenn Davis, was grateful for the interaction.
“With ‘Dr. J’ it was more than just basketball; he gave life lessons and how to look at (things). I took from it, you don’t get discouraged and sometimes you have to look at the situation and think more than just basketball,” he said.
During his visit to COB, Mr. Erving also met College of The Bahamas President Dr. Rodney D. Smith; Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Eslyn Jones; Director of Athletics Kimberley Rolle, Assistant Director, Athletics Sean Bastian, men’s basketball coach Bacchus Rolle and sprint coach, Mark Humes. Dr. Smith said the experience was a motivating one for the basketball team in terms of building of character and their competition on the court.
“We are in the process of building, it is going to take us a little time to build our athletics programme, but we have started the process. I think having “Dr. J” on campus today, talking with our players is a very good first step as we transition to university,” Dr. Smith said.
The COB Caribs basketball team comprises twelve players. The team competes both locally and against college teams in Florida.