Doom And Gloom From Canada About The Caribbean
best viagra here times;”>The Toronto Globe and Mail joined those who are simply piling it on the Caribbean. While Caribbean Heads of Government were meeting in Nassau discussing the latest assault on their banking nd commercial sector, generic cialis cheap that of the threat of banks in the developed world to stop the correspondent relationships with their banks, hospital the Globe and Mail (27th February) was pronouncing the death of the banking sector in the Caribbean because Canadian banks are losing too much money. Canadian morality is interesting. These are folks who just a few years ago were celebrating how much money they made in the region and how long they had been there. Today following the financial crash, they have no appetite for staying. They are blaming the Caribbean people for pushing credit which was unsafe and they think the cost of cleaning the books is too high so they are thinking of bailing out. At least that is what the Globe and Mail said. All the Canadian Banks: RBC, CIBC (First Caribbean) and Scotiabank are in deep do do because of the credit provisioning that occurred after the 2008 crash. The jewel in the crown Trinidad and Tobago said to be suffering because of the crash in oil prices that have affected government revenues and income. One thing we know though is if the Canadians go, then farewell . nature abhors a vacuum. There will be pain but the region will survive
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