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Kortney Rodgers wrote quite a thoughtful piece in The Tribune 27th October about the brain drain that is happening to our country and the rest of the region. Latest stats say something like 61 per cent of Bahamians choose not to return to The Bahamas after they finish school. This has caused a complaint from the pundits. We think it is an idle complaint
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. A Bahamian anywhere is good for The Bahamas. The Bahamian never forgets his country and always helps another Bahamian a hand up. So fret not about it. The reasons for not coming home are complex. First it is in the nature of man to want to go after the best opportunities for himself. So we should not limit our students in that enterprise. Secondly, The Bahamas has a structural problem in that it is too small. If you are a brilliant astrophysicist what the heck are you gonna do in Nassau. Are we arguing that the brilliant Bahamian astrophysicists must remain in Nassau simply to say he or she is patriotic. Further in small countries parochialism counts for much, not meritocracy. That is just the nature of things. Some people want anonymity. All this stuff about who your ma and pa re is just too much bother. Some people are gay and can’t stand the fact of coming home to The Bahamas and its narrow-mindedness on that business. Some don’t want all the palaver about friend and family in your business, gay or not. So our view is just leave the folks (the students) alone and when they are ready to come home, they will not quite wagging their tails behind them but home they will come and if they don’t then cool breeze, the country will still survive. Interestingly enough Joe Biden, the US Vice President was asked about this issue last summer in Trinidad by the Caricom heads. Will America stop raising our talent? He said not on your life and we don’t apologise for it. The US will continue to try to get the brightest and the best to its country. You may click here for the full article.