buy cialis ed times;”>Chinese Embassy makes donation to Fox Hill community
viagra sale times;”>The Fox Hill Festival Committee got a helping hand on Friday when the Chinese Embassy made a donation to assist in defraying the cost of various committee projects for the further development of the Fox Hill community
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. Making the presentation was Chinese Ambassador to The Bahamas Yuan Guisen and accepting on behalf of the committee was Co-Chair Benjamin Rahming.
Pictured from left are Mr. Zhai Xingfu, Counselor and Deputy Chief of Missions (DCM) at the Chinese Embassy in Nassau; Mr. Maurice Tynes, Co-Chairman of the Fox Hill Festival Committee; Benjamin Rahming, Co-Chairman of the Fox Hill Festival Committee; Clinton Pearce, Treasure of the Fox Hill Festival Committee (in background) ; Ambassador Guisen; Fox Hill MP, Hon. Fred Mitchell; Trevor Pratt, co-leader of the Original Fox Hill Congos Junkanoo Group; and Warren Davis, co-leader of the Original Fox Hill Congos Junkanoo Group.
The presentation was made in front of the partially completed Fox Hill Community Center on the corner of Fox Hill Road and Eden Street. (Photo by Elcott Coleby)