viagra generic physician times;”>The Heads of Government of the Caricom region met in Nassau for two days. The question that must be asked and is often asked: what did it accomplish?
rx times;”> Most people would say nothing but we think that is not quite correct.
The leaders of Caricom themselves sometimes get upset because there is not a consensus on ideas and decisions Caricom is painfully slow. It creeks in its decision making and the people on the ground don’t really think it has anything to do with their daily lives.
The reality is that it does. The main reason it exists is because of the history of the countries. Haiti is a member because P J Patterson insisted that Haiti could not stay out there by itself with any allies in the region. Someone had to speak up for Haitians and stand with Haiti that understood its problems.
In The Bahamas though, we tend to think that we are a bit better off than the rest even though the evidence is that the level of development in our countries is about the same. In 2005 when the Government decided to join the single market, there was nearly a revolt in the population and the discussion was stopped because the Minister of Foreign Affairs said that it was harming relations with the region. The discussion was inexplicable but we now know that it was opposed by an assortment of Opposition leaders and racists that simply thought The Bahamas was a cut above and can go it alone.
What contradicts all of that is the fact the outside world refuses to deal with The Bahamas alone or Jamaica alone or Trinidad alone. They think we are simply too small to be worth the bother. Nothing is more infuriating for example for Caricom leaders than the fact that after almost six years in office Barak Obama, a Black president of the United States and a Democrat, cannot find the time to sit down with the Leaders of the region for half an hour. It is simply disgraceful but there is no moving from that point.
That shows you how important the area is to the U S and how much the Caricom region is taken for granted
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The Bahamas needs others to stand with it when the time comes. When the lousy Cuban Americans were attacking our country over the migrant issues, it was Caricom who stood up for us. They are our friends when the rubber meets the road.
We agree that it all sounds rather esoteric this Caricom thing but there is a value in us meeting each other and talking and agreeing to work together to make this grand experiment work . The Bahamas Prime Minister made a great mark for himself by bringing the leaders together to talk about the young people and their plight and making a commitment to invest in human capital through sports and through culture.
We think that Caricom is important to The Bahamas and we think we ought to stay in for the long haul.
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