Dock The Pilots; Close The Airline Down
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buy viagra no rx times;”>The Minister of Labour Shane Gibson says he has not the slightest concern about what the pilots are threatening to do. Following the stupid and selfish decision by the greedy pilots of Bahamasair, stuff to shut the airline down over the Christmas holidays because they wanted more pay, treatment the government took all offers off the table and told the pilots they will have to start again. The pilots were also told that they will have their pay docked for missing work on the two days they were “sick” over the holidays. The pilots’ response was they would step up industrial action. We have said before not only that their pay should be docked. The whole airline should be shut down and let’s start again. The airline has to buy new planes soon. Our view is that these planes should be bought by a new company and the pilots will have to work for that new company with new terms and conditions including salary.