Disloyal Opposition

The intemperate leader of the opposition FNM and some disloyal opposition members on Wednesday 4 th Dec. Has proven that they have not grown into their roles of being his Majesty’s Loyal opposition after three years . It now begs the question, what is driving them to do damage to their own house where they themselves live ?The Bahamas.
Mr Michael Pintard as leader of the FNM allowed his members under his leadership to pull a stunt throwing the mace out of the window of the House of Assembly to grab headlines locally and more so around the world to cast a dark shadow over a Parliament that has been meeting since 1729 , and by extension causing damage to country’s brand of stability.
The reasoning for the ghastly deed was leader Pintard was not allowed to speak at the time of his choosing instead of waiting for the house speakers directive and the space allotted for his intervention. A further question was this such a egregious act to cause reputational damage to the country he aspires to lead?
Prime minister Davis moving forward you have been given a four taste of how political “Jonesers,” behave stoping at nothing to attain political power. Expect No Quarter therefore none should be given.
This is what you can look forward too from now and into the 2026 election campaign. PlP’s brace yourselfs.
The Puppet Masters and the remnant Oligarchs off a bygone era has found safe harbor in this FNM, under this leader. Since the attainment of majority rule in 1967, this construct has still not been fully embraced by all; not withstanding their economic successes over these many years. Some remnants remain bitter of any government headed by the PLP . Others Among Us need a master. How sad!
Felix Sands