The governor of the Florida Ron DeSantis is an idiot. This man has twice gone off in what is charitably called an unfortunate analogy. In his crazy rhetoric to defend the murderous campaign of Israel against the Palestinian people, he claimed that Israel has the right to defend itself. He said that if The Bahamas were firing rockets at Florida, the United States would flatten the place. The fact is The Bahamas has no rockets unless they are hidden on the U S base in Andros. There is no ill intent toward the US. The Bahamas spends over a billion dollars in Florida’s economy, yet this stupid man runs on with this analogy, not once but twice, He hasn’t got a prayer of getting elected President. He is just an idiot and Donald Trump will eat him for lunch in the Republican primary. He is just a stupid man. Rick Fox, the basketball player, posted a note to condemn the remarks. Other Bahamians need to speak up. The Prime Minister criticized the remarks but said he had no wish to get involved with a tit for tat in American domestic politics. The Opposition Spokesman and former Foreign Minister Darron Henfield called the remarks unfortunate. The Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell described them as cockamamie.