This letter appeared in The Tribune under the name in the headline. There is so much homophobia disguised as intelligent discussion, viagra usa levitra we thought that we would start a new category this week, THE HOMOPHOBE OF THE WEEK. It honours people who can’t get over the fact that being gay is a real life fact of life. Get over it for Christ’s sake
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. This week the dubious award goes to Dehaviland Moss for trashing the singer Tada.
EDITOR, The Tribune.
So Terneille Burrows, aka “Tada”, recently said that she is a part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) community.
More than two weeks ago, she and another activist were trying to disclaim a letter by Dr. Myles Munroe who correctly put this issue in the proper perspective. This turned to be a feeble attempt because the truth is the truth, no matter how people try to misconstrue it.
I am sorry, Tada, but your being a member of the LGBT community does not add any credence to this so-called movement. Star power doesn’t make it right.
September 19, 2014.