The Attorney General Carl Bethel made a serious error in judgement when responding to Senator JoBeth Coleby Davis in the Senate on Thursday 25th June 2020 he said to Senator JoBeth Coleby Davis on his feet: “ Don’t shout at me young lady”. It was an amazingly insensitive and tone deaf and insulting thing to say. The Progressive Young Liberals issued a statement echoing what Senator Fred Mitchell said immediately in the Senate, the remarks were sexist. They added they were ageist as well.
Senator JoBeth Coleby Davis demanded an apology. One never came. When you listen to the exchange between the Senators, it is clear that the Leader of Government business withdrew the remark where he alleged that Senator Coleby Davis did not know anything about budgeting but he did not give the apology for the use of words : “young lady”. This is a violation of the Senate’s rules. All Senators are to refer to each other in debate as Honourable Senators.
All over the world, this put down of women by men in power has been decried. All over the world there are evolving standards about how you are supposed to address women in public. They are honourable members of the House and Honourable Senator. Not: young lady . It is condescending.
The PLP ought to make a formal demand for the Attorney General to apologise and withdraw the remark.
This is the height of hypocrisy from a man who leads a government that says they believe in gender equality and had all the women on his side pounding the desk about the leadership of women. Yet not one of them raised their voices to say that what he said was wrong. Not even the President of the Senate who is a woman, said anything.
The FNM speaks with forked tongue.