Statement From The Prime Minister and Leader of the Progressive Liberal Party
On The Passing of David Knowles
For Immediate Release
1 November 2022

I learned today with sadness of the passing of another of our valiant warriors, David Knowles. We extend condolences to the families of this former PLP Stalwart, Parliamentarian and Trade Union leader.
David Knowles served our country with distinction as a Member of the House of Assembly and before that, as Leader of the Bahamas Hotel Catering And Allied Workers Union.
He had a unique political partnership with the late Edward “Bobbi” Glinton. In 1977, they entered into negotiations with the late Sir Lynden Pindling to settle the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding between the PLP and the Trade Union Congress. This led to a partnership between the two organizations which significantly reformed the labour laws of the country including the introduction of agency shop.
Mr. Knowles was quietly confident and with an unassuming demeanor in public life, but stood for the principles of uplifting the common man and worked tirelessly to advance that principle.
After his retirement from public life, Mr. Knowles continued to provide support, advice and counsel.
We thank him for his public service and invaluable contributions to both the progressive cause and labour movement.
On behalf of my wife, Mrs. Davis, Chester Cooper our Deputy Prime Minister, all of our parliamentary team, the officers and members of the Progressive Liberal Party, we extend condolences to his family and pray for the repose of his soul.
May he rest in peace.