Darron Cash must have bit his tongue when he issued that press release accusing the PLP government of using BIS for political purposes.
No such thing took place. The statement about vote buying by the DNA and the FNM was not a BIS statement
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. It was issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell because he had seen constituents of Fox Hill in a video of the demonstration posted online. Mr. Coleby may have circulated the statement as he does all statements that come into his inbox.
For Mr. Cash’s edification, cialis generic rx It was no other than the former Deputy Director at BIS, cialis canada diagnosis one Sharon Turner to doubled as the webmaster for the FNM website between 2007 and 2012.
She will lay in infamy for seeking to smear Obie Wilchcombe when she forwarded a photograph of him to the online tabloid TMZ, cialis but asking them not to include her name in the byline so as to keep the politicization of BIS a secret.
ZNS staff members are still talking about how the FNM would send their resident political hack, Aaron Kiki Knowles into the ZNS newsroom to influence the news in favour of the FNM.
So before Daron Cash starts throwing stones, he must do two things: first get his facts straight and secondly, remember that the FNM’s house is made of cheap glass and that they lack the moral authority to point fingers or throw stones at anybody.