Damien Gomez Draws The Ire Of Andre Rollins
In his presentation in the House on Wednesday 13th August, viagra generic seek Damien Gomez, the MP for South Eleuthera posted that those who were making the most noise about this same sex business and these constitutional amendments may well have problems with their own sexuality. This caused a furious response from Mr. Rollins. He said that it was puerile, advice inane and asinine, arguing that it was below the belt. Mr. Gomez responded that he pointed no fingers at anyone. Some argue that while it may not have been necessary to go there, purchase it can’t be said that it wasn’t a fair general comment. It is a well-known theory and argument by psychologists. The latest public example of it was the Rev. Eddie Long in Atlanta who railed publicly against homosexuality and homosexuals but ended up being caught in five relationships with young men
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