cialis usa buy cialis times;”>Bahamas Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Drive Kick-Off
try times;”>NASSAU, The Bahamas – Her Excellency Dame Marguerite Pindling, Governor General, made the first donation to the Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Drive at the Mall at Marathon on Saturday 22ND November, launching the annual effort that organizes a battalion of Bell Ringers to raise funds for its causes.
At this 2014 launch, Dame Marguerite brought remarks in support of the Kettle Drive and the work of the Salvation Army.
She is pictured with Salvation Army Bell Ringers and, at right, Divisional Commander Major Lester Ferguson
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. The Salvation Army in The Bahamas has a Food Programme, Family Services, Women’s Shelter, Thrift Store, provides Character Building Opportunities through music, recreation, sports and moral and spiritual education, and provides Emergency Disaster Services.