D’Aguilar Shut Up And Declare Your Interest
Dionysio D’Aguilar, the motor mouthpiece of Sarkis Izmerlian was at it again in the press demanding that the government disclose all the facts he says about the new Bahamar development. What precisely does he want to know that has not been disclosed? The latest intervention came because someone leaked an email to the press which suggests that there will be no VAT charges for the China Construction company for the construction portion of the contract. Government’s spokespersons Allyson Gibson and Jerome Fitzgerald put the best and credible face on it by saying that on balance it was in the interests of the development in the scheme of the larger interest of The Bahamas for that to be. The argument gets too complicated after that. Our view is let’s get the damn thing open and stop all this carping and political complaining. But back to Mr. D’Aguilar. If there is anyone that should disclose his interest it should be him, what he should disclose that he is Mr. Izmerlian’s mouthpiece ; that he is inextricably tied up with the former developer; that the development failed because of their bad management; that they put the company into bankruptcy which is why we are in the position we are in. We say damn the torpedoes though and let’s get it finished. In the meantime, Mr. D’Aguilar just shut up for God’s sake.