11 March 2024

The Commonwealth is a British invention and fiction, a holdover from the days of empire that they managed to morph into an organization that gives them the patina of power without power. Elizabeth II died last year and handed off the Head of the Commonwealth title to her son Charles. Each year the Commonwealth has a celebration with a church service and reception in London. The Foreign Minister of The Bahamas Fred Mitchell went again this year mainly to support Baroness Patricia Scotland who is under attack from the very British who say they want a moribund Commonwealth to take on new life since they made the stupid decision to withdraw from the European Union. But they don’t like Patricia Scotland and tried every device to get rid of her. They and their allies all the white countries and India have been even trying to stop her from finishing her term with dignity by denying her the right next year to hand off to her successor after the church service, as all previous SG’s have done. The other reason The Bahamas engages is that it is a most efficient way for small countries to maintain relations across the far flung planet.