THE SOFTLY SOFTLY APPROACH In the Prime Minister’s budget communication to Parliament, cialis buy decease he eschewed what he called the vituperation of the past in the politics of The Bahamas. That set the scene for a softly softly approach to politics. That it seems is what the people of The Bahamas want. Except that notwithstanding all of that, politics is largely a rough and tumble game. The softly softly approach can’t last long. And it didn’t.
In the House of Assembly this week, on Thursday 13 June, several MPs got hot under the collar. It brought some light moments to what has otherwise been from an excitement point of view a pretty dead debate. Members seemed to have lost the flair that they brought to their campaigns. The Member of Parliament for North Abaco aka Hubert Ingraham deigned to make an appearance. Shane Gibson who is now the Minister for National Insurance could not help noticing that with Mr. Ingraham in the House the putative Leader of the Opposition Alvin Smith was popping up and down like a yo yo.
Then there was Pierre Dupuch, the Independent member for St. Margaret, who asked some sharp questions about the Prime Minister’s Pension Act and whether or not the former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham would be able to collect a pension and his Parliamentary salary at the same time. The answer is yes. We report on that below. FNM MPs got hot under the collar and kept interrupting Mr. Dupuch, whereupon Mr. Dupuch told them if they could not stand the heat then get out of the darn kitchen. Hmm!
So at least that was some excitement. It reminds us of an e mail we got the other day from one of our readers. She was upset about the lightheartedness that she saw displayed on TV in the House. She said that she did not vote for PLP MPs to be so lighthearted about what she considered a serious matter like the budget.
This is a complaint of many people about Parliament. But remember Parliament is the highest forum in the land, the freest forum. It is not a classroom. And it is simply not possible to sit in a room for three hours at a time listening to an intervention and not interject some levity into the matter. It would not be humanly possible. It doesn’t mean that members do not take the matter seriously.
But we say at last some excitement. This softly softly approach doesn’t cut it.
HITS FOR THE WEEK ENDING Saturday 15 June: 6,456. HITS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE to Saturday 15 June: 68,552. TOTAL HITS FOR THE YEAR: 1,552,077
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