So a young man who was a Chair of Branch all during the PLP’s time in Opposition sends a note to one of the Leaders of the Party: what does one have to do to get something from this party? According to him, he has worked for the party and he has gotten nothing since the general election. Translation: he hasn’t gotten any roadside contract or graveyard contract or painting contract or hired at one of the entry level jobs in the public service paying 210 dollars per week. He finished the note by saying : “Good luck you and your party”. So the party official called the MP in whose constituency he lives. Turns out that he was largely absent during the Campaign. Promised to turn up but had one excuse after the next as to why he could not turn up. But the MP insisted that the last time he had asked for anything, the MP delivered it. So the question was asked what are his qualifications. Turns out he has none. Didn’t finish high school. Problem is if you want to work for the public service, this is a qualification based system and without any qualifications, not a lot of money on offer. That was communicated. The man left the PLP chat group in response. Life is in too many cases transactional. It’s one year and the troops are restless.