Christie at CARICOM – what went on there?
Prime Minister Perry Christie has just returned to The Bahamas on 4th July after a busy time at the Heads of Government conference of Caricom. While there he spoke to the themes in and around the economy and the need for collective action by Caricom to put the region on the world map. He met in caucus for a full day with his fellow Prime Ministers. While there he got an opportunity to see former Prime Minister and now Senior Minister Lester Bryd who at 76 is not well. Mr. Byrd was a close friend and former school mate of the Bahamian athlete Tommy Robinson. The Prime Minister also spoke to Baldwin Spencer, best viagra thumb the Prime Minister who has just lost office
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. He was accompanied by Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell, order Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcombe, Caricom High Commissioner Picewell Forbes and Minister of State Hope Strachan.