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sickness times;”>The Bahamians in New York were happy that evening Wednesday 24th September. The Prime Minister had delivered the country’s statement on climate change and that evening he and his ministers were gathered to greet and celebrate the accomplishments of the first Bahamian in the United States major leagues in decades Antoan Richardson. The host was the Minister of Tourism. The guest of honour was Mr. Richardson and the special invitee was the Prime Minister Perry Christie accompanied by his wife Bernadette. The photo shows from left: Danny Johnson, sovaldi Minister of Sports; Fred Mitchell, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Prime Minister, Ken Dorsett, the Minister for the Environment; Bernadette Christie, wife of the Prime Minister; the Reverend Jesse Jackson, US civil rights leader; Antoan Richardson, the Bahamian Yankee’s player; and Obie Wilchcombe, the Minister of Tourism.
Minister of Sports Danny Johnson traveled to New York to celebrate with Bahamian Antoan Richardson’s addition to the Yankees major league line-up on Tuesday 23rd September
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. The photo shows Jeff Rodgers, Marketing Executive Sports Department, Ministry of Tourism; Rogann Huyler Forbes (Aunt of Antoan Richardson); Danny Johnson, Minister of Youth, Sports, and Culture; Glendia Huyler (Mother of Antoan Richardson); Greg Rolle, Director of Sports Tourism.