(Late news is Cassius Stuart says he has been disinvited by the management of the Shenique Miller Show. He blames the PLP. Editor)
We had a good laugh when Cassius Stuart (he of the lean and hungry look) who cannot manage to get into Parliament after trying everything to get there. He is reduced like a junkyard dog to appearing on the Shenique Miller Show on television and barking from the sidelines. So he joins the fray about the car that was being bought for the Office of the Prime Minister. Mr. Stuart in his wisdom said that the Prime Minister did not deserve it, he meant Brave Davis personally, (he meant it to be insulting) did not deserve a $192,000 dollar car. He went further and said Mr. Davis should be made to walk to work instead. He is to the point of being silly. He makes himself look like a natural ass by trying to say things more outlandish than the other man. Bottom line though is he might still owe the man that 750k that he borrowed to build that big white house on the lake and he still has the record of the late chair of the PLP reminding him that he used to abuse the privilege as a boyfriend and drive the car all day, burning the gas out and didn’t have two coppers to put together to fill the tank. That’s who is telling Brave Davis he must walk to work. A fellow who doesn’t have one pot to piss in.