The FNM won all the seats in Grand Bahama in the general election of 2017. From the four and half years of the FNM’s administration, all the MPs were FNM in Grand Bahama. The hurricane came. The pandemic came. Both events devastated Gand Bahama. Grand Bahama was largely abandoned by the FNM. The airport was wrecked and never repaired. U S Customs clearance was lost. The Grand Lucayan Hotel was dumped on the Government without any appreciation of the responsibilities of the owners the Grand Bahama Port Authority and Hutchison for their responsibility in keeping it going. The Grand Bahama International Airport was dumped on the government for 1 dollar but the FNM agreed to take on 250 million dollars in liabilities. Sad case. You would have thought that after that, the people of Grand Bahama would surely vote PLP. Not a chance. They voted again in the main, with the exception of West End and the plurality win in Pineridge, for the FNM. These are suckers for punishment. It begs the question: can the PLP ever win the seats in Grand Bahama? What will it take?