A note today was sent to the site asking probing questions of the head of the Bahamas Communications and Public Officers Union (BCPOU) Bernard Evans. Mr. Evans is in public row with the present management of the telephone company BTC about the layoffs which BTC plans for his members. The letter writer a former Unionist asks the question of whether the members are being well served in this instance by the protestations. For example, cialis usa treatment she asks in the letter, cialis usa can Mr. Evans confirm or deny that just before the last voluntary separation package was arranged to downsize BTC, treat whether he negotiated with the last CEO Geoff Houston a package for himself to leave BTC worth $3500 per month in pension payments for himself which reportedly includes medical insurance? Do the members of the Union know that whether or not he is still employed with BTC? The writer just asks the questions in the face of the zeal of Mr. Evans in the face of the latest layoffs. Ah the business of representation has its griefs and cares.