(now if only we can make phone calls)
Franklyn Wilson, viagra sales unhealthy the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee to return the majority shares of BTC, cialis usa the phone company, back to the Bahamas Government is finished his work and is now functus officio. So congratulations to Chairman Wilson, Sean McWeeney Q C, Rowena Bethel and Leon Williams. A good job was done by all. A signing over ceremony took place on Friday 30th August with effusive praise to all the parties from all the parties. The Prime Minister Perry Christie spoke at the event. We have the three speeches, one by Mr. Wilson, the other by the PM and the third by the Chair of BTC Philip Bentley. BTC is preparing for competition and according to its Chair is spending much cash to get it ready. In the meantime though, we cannot hear anything on the phone, can make phone calls at all, or make a phone call without the calls dropping and the public is simply annoyed and fed up with the company. Only thing causes people not to make noise about the lousy service is because they believe that in time Leon Williams will fix this
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